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  • Volcanic eruption cloud near a town
    February 15, 2023
    Bright light, whiter than the sun,glittered for an instantbefore the sound split my earsand I dissolved,my last and only thoughtthat no one would knowI had…
  • Man next to lifesaver
    D-Day, 1944: A Black Veteran Remembers
    February 15, 2023
    We have lost one more World War II veteran. Richard L. Walker, born May 7, 1924, passed away on October 26, 2020. Son of William…
  • Dirt road crossing
    February 15, 2023
    I wanted to return to some imaginary lifebased on a collection of unstable memories I thought were real.I would gaze fondly on those memories and…
  • Desert Snow
    February 15, 2023
    Charlie Peterson looked at his watch and then at the departure board of Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport. Another 45 minutes he thought as the Christmas Muzak and…
  • Army soldiers on the field with helicopters
    War All the Time
    February 15, 2023
    “It was the English,” Kaspar cried,“Who put the French to rout;But what they fought each other for,I could not well make out;But everybody said,” quoth…

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